
My 1st Trimester Experience + Survival Tips


I got to admit my first trimester experience was pretty horrible to the extent that it deters me from expecting another baby >.<. My "ordeal" even scares my sister from thinking of having a baby in future. I really envy those ladies who have somewhat a "smooth" first trimester experience. I have a friend whose aunt is not even aware she's pregnant until she's 4 months expectant?! 0_0 #kudos

So these are some of the personal encounters during my first trimester:

Poor Appetite 

I've zero cravings for any food, even my favourite KOI bubble tea lol. I can't bear the taste of any meat, seafood and even garlic! In the past, you can seriously feed me with just plain fried garlic rice and that can be a meal for me already *beam*. So basically anything with strong taste like onion, spring onions, etc are a no-no for me.

The only food I managed to push down my throat are like bread, white rice and pear. So strange that they are coincidentally all white in colour haha. So yea, my puke are normally white lol #toomuchinfo

Hatred for Water
Alright, even before getting pregnant, I already don't like to drink water as I find it bitter. So this bad habit escalate further after I got pregnant.=.= But staying hydrated is extremely important during pregnancy, especially when I keep losing fluids from all the vomit.

So to fight my hatred towards plain old water, I will add honey or lemon to my water to make drinking more pleasant. I'll also try to get my fluid intake from a variety of sources like porridge, soups, fruit juices, etc. Try to eat as much watery food as possible. I was obsessed with coconut juice during pregnancy and will drink it at least 2 times a month haha. But intake has to be in moderation as it's "cold"(凉).

This created hell for me. Vomiting was a daily "routine" for me throughout my first trimester. Actually I was still feeling nausea during my second and third trimester but it's much better that what I went through during my first trimester. I will vomit almost after every meal, even if I only drink water wtf. It was so mentally and physically straining. I think my throat was kind of damaged from all that throwing up as well as my singing sounds different now lol. And my motion sickness also got worse during my pregnancy. I dread it when Babiboo drives into those multi-storey carparks. Especially the carpark at Shaw Tower with super freaking curvy driveway. Need to load babiboo's car with loads of plastic bags and I forbid him to drive more than 90km/h anywhere whenever I'm in the car. (yes, even on the highway when the road is straight and clear lol)

I actually vomited to the extent I suffer a few mental breakdowns during that period. I think I broke down thrice in front of Babiboo. And I actually blamed him for making me feel this way haha. Really vomit until go nuts already by then. I remember doubting my body's ability to conceive as I just can't stop throwing up. My first question during each gynae visit is always whether baby is growing well and is she smaller than average. So freaking nerve wrecking. >.<

So one fine day, Babiboo came home with this thing called the Sea-Band Acupressure Wrist Band and told me it can help to reduce my nausea.
Sea-band Acupressure Wrist Band. My savior!

I know that looks can be deceiving. How can putting 2 pieces of cloth band on your wrists help to reduce nausea?! But it really works miracle for me. I really felt better after putting it on for around half an hour. It doesn't actually get rid of the nausea feeling completely but it helps to reduce the nausea feeling and allows me to keep my food in longer. Another plus point is it's pretty affordable as well. Babiboo got it for me at SGD$14.20 from Guardian. =)

Weight Loss 
I think this is the only "positive" experience during my first trimester haha. My weight dropped from 46kg to a whooping 40kg within the first trimester wtf. Even my colleagues who see me everyday were commenting that I'm getting skinnier.  And it's the first time I got a thigh gap in my whole entire life. THE INFAMOUS THIGH GAP WOOT. But 好事不长久. They disappeared again when I enter my second trimester lol.

Just remember that things will always get better and the reward is definitely worth it. ^.^

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