
My birth story with Thomson Medical Centre & Hospital Bill (Year 2016)


I believe the hospital bill is one of the major concerns for most new parents out there. Therefore I'm here to share my part on my hospital bill so you mummies have an idea how much to prepare when you check out from the hospital with your LO!

I was recommended Dr Adelina Wong from Thomson Medical Centre by my family doctor after we confirmed our first pregnancy with her. Both of them happened to be classmates from NUS so frankly speaking, I didn't do much research of other gynaecologists as I trust my family doctor's recommendation. And all I can say is, I am absolutely satisfied with Dr Wong's services! 


A little background summary regarding my birth experience! 
 Delivery Hospital: Thomson Medical Centre
 Delivery Method: Natural Delivery with no epidural
 Room Type: Normal single bedded ward  

 My EDD was on 5th October 2016 (same birthday as hubby) but I gave birth on 3rd October 2016    instead haha. So I was pretty much in my full term already when lilmisspoh comes out thank god.

 So this is how lilmisspoh's birth-day starts;

 0500hrs: I woke up to pee. Can't seem to fall asleep already afterwards.

 0700hrs: I start to feel uncomfortable! Like having menstrual cramp. Wake hubby up to complain about my discomfort.

 0715hrs: Felt something 'flowing out'. Changed 3 undies within 0.5hr? Then I decided to wear pads.    At that time, I'm was so stupid to not link it to 'water break' gosh. Just kept thinking its just normal    discharge? I know I sound dumb here. Please don't judge lol. 

 0745hrs: Discussed with hubby whether or not to go hospital. At that point of time, I don't really feel  like going as it's still 3 Oct >.< I want 5 Oct! WTS. In addition, I read online that even if we feel    slight discomfort, it doesn't really mean that baby is coming out? I just do not wish to end up in the    hospital early for nothing.

 0800hrs: Hubby made breakfast. Watch C.L.I.F 4 with hubby and BIL.

 0819hrs: Called my sister that maybe I'm going to give birth today lol.

 0835hrs: Visited the toilet again to pee. Got blood!!!!!! #shitjustgotreal Told hubby that I'm bleeding. First thing he said is actually to tell me to go shower first. I still have the mood to do my routine skincare, put on some light makeup (eyeliner, eyebrow, undereye concealer) and drink coconut  water. 

 0930hrs: We were out of the house with our barang barang which I packed 2 weeks before my EDD.

All ready for our 3D2N "vacation" The luggage is our hospital bag whereas the black bag is my delivery bag.
Placed a protection sheet on my car seat in case my water breaks in middle of the trip to the hospital!
 1000hrs: Reached TMC. Water break while I was waiting for the lift to the labour ward. My water    was literally flowing down my legs as I wait for the lift. It was pretty embarrassing as there were a    couple of men and women waiting for the lift as well.

 1010hrs: Got guided into birth room #9 by the labour nurse. Changed into TMC birth robe.

Just wait only. Mummies please wear socks as the delivery room is COLD! 
 1020hrs: Labour nurse checked on me. 2cm dilation

 1200hrs: TMC served me porridge as breakfast. I was pretty surprised as I thought I won't be able to    eat anymore in the delivery room. Nursie advice me to eat so I will have the energy to push later    haha.

My brunch before pushing!
Still feeling pretty okay in this photo as the full blast contraction haven't kicks in on me!

 1500hrs plus: Gynae Adelina came in to check on me. Told me my dilation is only 3cm. Wts. 1cm    dilation only within 5 hrs?!?! After which, she suggested to put me on a drip that helps to escalate    dilation. This is when the pain really kicks in. As I'm not on any pain killer, I can really feel the    gradual increase in the intensity of the contraction. Its like menstrual cramp initially and slowly    escalate to mega menstrual cramp. Like someone squeezing your uterus from inside???

My only support in the delivery room. My hubby really plays a very important role in calming me down!
My only pain relief - laughing gas. 
 1700hrs plus : I was on laughing gas towards the end when the pain is freaking excruciating. Actually I'm  pretty near to admit defeat to the pain and request for the minimum amount of epidural at this state haha. However, when I finally gave up and ask hubby to call for the nurse to give me epidural at around 5plus pm. She checked on me and told me it's too late as I'm already 8cm dilated! The drip sure does wonder to me. The anaesthesiologist who administer the epidural injection need around 0.5hr to reach, so nursie commented perhaps by the time he reached, I would have given birth already. But I will still need to pay for the epidural injection charges since I've requested! Thus, my nurse suggested since I endured almost 80% of the pain already, why not just endure all the way. I thought normally the labour nurses are trained to always encourage people to go for epidural. Like that hospital can earn money mah haha.

Hence, laoniang decided to grit on and finally at 6plus pm, my #lilmisspoh is out!

Our first family photo!=)
My family with our gynae Dr Adelina Wong =)

After delivery, nursie will weigh the baby and let my hubby cut her umbilical cord before doing a basic cleanup for baby. The major regret I didn't do is to immediately start latching her the moment she's out as I was too freaking shag out. So for mummies who want to have a more successful breastfeeding journey, I will strongly encourage you to immediately start latching baby regardless of how tired you are! Even for a short few minutes is good enough too. I should have persevered.=(

The 3D2N stay in TMC after delivery simply feels like a vacation haha. I don't need to do anything beside nursing her, eat and sleep. All the taking care of baby is handled by the nurse as there's this thing called "nursery" in the hospital lol. I'm so grateful for the nurse's advice to have ample rest and let baby stay in nursery during my stay in hospital as I'm sure not going to get any after returning home. She's so right gosh.

Some of the food offered in TMC. Their papaya fish soup really lives up to its popularity!

So this is how the single bedroom looks like. There's a sofa bed where hubby can sleep on overnight. Not very comfortable but hubs say as long as its better than his army bunk will do lol.


Page 1 of my Hospital Bill

There are 2 parts to the hospital bill; Hospital charges and Doctors Fees. My Hospital Charges (Natural Delivery w/o epidural) is $4296.64, which I think is pretty affordable for a private hospital 3D2N stay in a single bedded room. However, my Doctors' Fee is $4119.50, including my baby's paediatrician checkup which includes jaundice, all the 5 senses checks (hearing, eyesight, etc) and basic body checkup. I was actually not aware that there will be this PD charges. Overall, I find my doctors' fee pretty hefty as I thought it will be around 3K plus including the $2140 deposit we paid to our gynae during my week 24 pregnancy? Oh well..

So after Medisave deduction (maximum $2550), the amount of cash we need to fork out in total is approximately $5800 (including the Doctor Deposit $2140 and Hospital Deposit $3500)

I hope this post offers an insight to new mummies out there regarding delivery in TMC and the estimated hospital bill!

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  1. Can see your IC no on page 2 of your bill, you may want to censor it...

    1. Yes I have already done so! thank you so much!>.<



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