Finally get my butt down to create a blog dedicated to my new life as Mrs Poh. ^.^ I've always lament to my friends and sister that I want to start a blog but procrastination always get the hang of me. Stay away from me please evil P!
Anyway, I'm also blogging on Dayre as well because it's so much easier to rant there compared to blogger. So technically I've got 2 blogs now lol. But blogger shall be my home base to share about my encounters as a new mummy as well as major happenings/milestones in life.
I'm currently 6 months and 1 week preggie with baby # now! Reason for # is because we have not really decide on her name yet but more or less we should be settling with C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. lol Shall disclose the name once we got it firm up!