antenatal class

Childbirth Education Course with Thomson Medical Centre (TMC)

I'm here to share on my thoughts after attending the 5 Days Antenatal Course conducted by the famous TMC lactation consultant Mrs Wong Boh Boi. ^.^ She's also the author of the popular "Celebrating Life" series for new parents. The "Celebrating Life" series by Mrs Wong Boh Boi. You can get the book series for free upon signing up for the FBI/SBI Scheme...


My 1st Trimester Experience + Survival Tips

I got to admit my first trimester experience was pretty horrible to the extent that it deters me from expecting another baby >.<. My "ordeal" even scares my sister from thinking of having a baby in future. I really envy those ladies who have somewhat a "smooth" first trimester experience. I have a friend whose aunt is not even aware she's pregnant until...


Finally get my butt down to create a blog dedicated to my new life as Mrs Poh. ^.^ I've always lament to my friends and sister that I want to start a blog but procrastination always get the hang of me. Stay away from me please evil P! Anyway, I'm also blogging on Dayre as well because it's so much easier to rant...



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